Friday, May 22, 2009

A Real Hero

Just a few days ago, my colleague sent me a link that talks about a father's unconditional love for his son. In this video, what you are going to see is unbelievable.

Link to their website >

Dick and Rick Hoyt are a father-and-son team from Massachusetts who together compete just about continuously in marathon races. And if they’re not in a marathon they are in a triathlon — that daunting, almost superhuman, combination of 26.2 miles of running, 112 miles of bicycling, and 2.4 miles of swimming. Together they have climbed mountains, and once trekked 3,735 miles across America.

You might wonder what's so heroic about a father and son team participating in
marathons, triathlons and Iron-man.

Rick was born disabled, but his father just wouldn't give up on him even when doctors encouraged him to put Rick away as he would only be a vegetable his whole life.
But Dick was determined to raise him as normally as possible,
all Dick wanted is for Rick to enjoy what every normal person are able to enjoy.
Due to Rick's love for sports, he asked his dad one question,
' Dad, can you run the marathon with me?'
And, that was how it all began.

Check out the videos below
Great Love Story, Divine Love, Heroes, all in all, very Inspiring.
It changed my view of life at least a little after watching these videos.

As Dick Hoyt quotes :

1 comment:

  1. i watched this man. some time ago. damn, tears-inducing video me no likes.
